Dr Otis Chiu has helped many patients during his years of practice.
I personally experienced a lot of problems with my stomach as well as cold patches which indicated bad circulation. Dr Chiu assisted in making me feel ‘human’ again.
It really makes a huge difference to blood circulation, sleep patterns and your inner being with the focusing on re-energizing the body and aligning the body and this was all thanks to Dr Chiu. He zooms in on the areas that pains and all aches within the body.
Thank you doctor for all your help and nurture.
– Magda Knowles, 19 / 12 / 2017
In January, 2015 I had an operation, which was successful. After the operation I was stingy to spend time staying in bed. Even when I was still bleeding, I rather drove from Pretoria to Johannesburg for my study. I did not miss any class, but since then I have had for the last two years continuously a great low-back pain.
I have visited more than ten different Doctors. I did MRI; X-RAY……..It showed everything is ok with my back.. But why do I still have pain? Nobody could give me a real reason. .
I tried different exercises… I did everything I could…. But it got worse! The pain became stronger and unbearable, I could not drive anymore, and eventually stopped the studies. Two Doctors even suggested me that I need a low back surgery. I said ‘no’ with tears.
At the hard time I became depressed….
Accidentally on a party I met a German friend of mine, she highly suggested me to meet Dr Chiu: once she had strong pain on the shoulder and Dr Chiu cured her.
But my case lasted already for two years and 10 Dr.s…..
Anyway, I must give it a try!
Dr Chiu is a polite and quite person. After my explanation, he examined me carefully and told me, that my pain is by blood stucked for a long time, this was due to my driving + no recovering time + stress.
He asked me: why didn’t you wait for your recovery? What is so important to study than your own health?
And he recommended me to dedicate my patience to my body and his treatment, and I should wash away my stress and become positive, respect and listen to the body.
I did! With all my hope!
After 20 treatment sessions, now the pain has unbelievably disappeared!!!! What makes it better than it was before Christmas! How lucky and cherished I am!
During this journey, I walked every day thirty minutes (running hurted the back), and later I started to swim. Swimming helped a lot. Now I swim two times a day after my 30 minutes meet walk, early morning and late afternoon.
I am writing here, because I am soooooooo grateful!!!
I wish my sharing will help you, who has the similar problems!
Good luck!
– Tina Yan, 09 / 12 / 2016
Acupuncture has become my preferred method of treatment. Dr Chiu has helped me with a variety of health concerns, from pain in my back to stress, anxiety and weight loss. His treatments are effective and relaxing.
– Vene
Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites–commonly referred to as acupuncture points, or acupoints. The most common method used to stimulate acupoints is the insertion of fine, sterile needles into the skin. Pressure, heat, or electrical stimulation may further enhance the effects. Other acupoint stimulation techniques include: manual massage, moxibustion or heat therapy, cupping, and the application of topical herbal medicines and linaments.