Introduction to holistic medicine
Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole body.
What is the basics of acupuncture? For the Chinese, disease does not exist but sick people do. When is a man sick? When the life force energy (Chi-Tsuey) that circulates through the 12 meridians that every person has, and is not flowing smoothly and harmoniously through the body, sickness, mental or emotional disturbance results. “When Chi gathers, so the physical body is formed, when the Chi disperses the body dies.” For instance when there are eye troubles; usually it is because the “energy” does not run well through the gall bladder’s meridian. One or more acupuncture needles can help re-establish the energy circulation. The eyes get cured. In truth, the Chinese Doctor does not cure the eye or any other organ or part of the body, but balances the energy system of every man.
This will also vary according to the practitioners’ training, but reputable acupuncturist will take the medical history, inspect the patient’s complexion, tongue and a pulse diagnosis will be made. The Chinese discovered wrist pulses, which relate to the twelve meridians and therefore to a main organ. It takes a great deal of experience to learn pulse diagnosis. An advantage of a pulse diagnosis is that by detecting imbalances at an early stage, the practitioner can restore the body’s energies before the symptoms occur.
For acupuncture, no counter-indications exist. It causes no side effects.
Inappropriate and imbalance dietary habits among the most insignificant causes of energetic disharmony. An understanding of food from the perspective of the theory of Chines medicine can be of tremendous benefit in working towards a healthier lifestyle. “Those who are ignorant about food can’t hope to survive.”
Acupuncture is suitable for general sickness and ailments.
Listed are some of the more common disorders frequently treated with Acupuncture.
Neuralgia, headaches, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, spasms, cerebral arteriosclerosis, causing senility (during early stages) Alzheimer’s disease.
Fribrositlis, muscular rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, cramps, intermittent claudication, cold hands and feet (Raynaud’s) oedema, writers cramp, trembling neuralgia or shoulders and arms, tennis elbow, heaviness of limbs, frozen shoulder, gout, stokes and other muscular paralysis.
Duodenal and stomach ulcers, hyperacidity, gastritis, dyspepsia, indigestion, lack of appetite, excessive appetite, obesity, bulimia, eructations, wind, abdominal distention, “bad breath:, dry month, heartburn, pyloric spasm, nausea, vomiting, rectal prolapse, constipation, diarrhoea, various types of colic perianal pain or itch, hypo-function of the liver, tender liver, haemorrhoids, hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, colitis, pancreatitis and nausea.
Asthma, bronchitis, tracheitis, shortness of breath, pulmonary congestion, recurrent colds, coughs, tuberculosis and mild pulmonary infections.
Ischaemic heart disease, rhythm disorders, angina pectoris, pseudo angina pectoris, chest pain, fainting, palpitations, tachycardia, high or low blood pressure, arterial spasm, phelebitis, easily pregnancy haemorrhoids, lymphangitis, adenitis, pallor, poor circulation.
Impotence, premature ejaculation, lack of sexual desire. Nymphomania, certain types of sterility and ome types of orgasmic dysfunctions, frigidity.
Weak, eyesight, early cataract, retinitis, eyes tired after reading a book for a short time, pain behind or around the eye, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, disorders of eyes’ muscles.
Hay fever, rhinitis, nose bleeds, sneezing, diminished sense of smell (some types), sinusitis, catarrh, tonsillitis, laryngitis, loss of voice, pharyngitis, aphasia due to stroke, enlarged goitre, thyroid dysfunctions.
Pelvic pain, painful periods, irregular, flooding, vaginal pain, hot flushes, itching, menopausal disorders, ovarian pain, mastitis, pyelitis, cystitis, some types of renal colic, lumbago, bladder irritation and spasm, lack of bladder control, early prostatic troubles, bed wetting, painless childbirth, Caesarean section, forceps delivery. Acupuncture is very effective in relieving the pain of childbirth.
Anxiety states, depression, nervousness, phobias, obsessions, timidity, neurasthenia, agitation, outbursts of temper, yawning, excessive loquacity, insomnia, nocturnal terror, many neuralgias, facial palsy, neuralgia after shingles, epilepsy, trembling, trigeminal neuralgias, schizophrenia, endogenous depression.
General fatigue, lassitude, excessive perspiration, excessive sleep, excessive yawning, sensitivity to change in temperature, travel sickness, post-operative weakness, listlessness after severe diseases, insomnia.
Control of appetite in conjunction with diet.
May help patients to stop smoking or drug taking with minimal withdrawal symptoms. About 75% of cases, addictions may be cured.
Originally acupuncture needles were not made of stainless steel but of stone, bamboo and bone. Todayʼs needles are extremely fine in diameter (about the thickness of two human hairs) and are sterile and disposable.
Acupuncturists feel your pulse and look at your tongue to gain information about your state of health and plan a course of treatment.
The World Health Organisation released a report, Acupuncture:Review of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials, which endorses the use of acupuncture for over 200 symptoms and diseases (low back pain, headache, nausea/vomiting, allergic rhinitis, depression/anxiety, side effects of chemotherapy and induction of labor to name a few).